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News & Insights

Sarah Cox, QCA Accounting Standards Committee member, reports on potential changes to lease accounting in…
Hayley Zeff
1 June, 2009
News & Insights

Should directors of small quoted companies be celebrating or mourning the apparent demise of voluntary…
Hayley Zeff
1 June, 2009
News & Insights

Paul Canning, Managing Director of leading global private equity investment firm H.I.G. Capital, looks at…
Hayley Zeff
1 June, 2009
News & Insights

Phillipa Foster Back, Director of the Institute of Business Ethics, explains why better ethics make…
Hayley Zeff
2 March, 2009
News & Insights

Is your company affected by underwater options and failing performance targets? If so, it may…
Hayley Zeff
2 March, 2009
News & Insights

Going concern is a significant issue for smaller quoted companies especially those with bank borrowings…
Hayley Zeff
2 March, 2009
News & Insights

The QCA Markets and Regulations and Legal Committees examined this Financial Services Authority (FSA) consultation…
Hayley Zeff
2 March, 2009
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