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The Lexis®PSL Corporate Market Tracker team has published a new Market Tracker Trend Report which takes a look at the latest mid-year statistics and gives an update on how FTSE 350 companies are progressing with improving gender diversity on their boards. It includes expert commentary from Christopher Owen, Partner at Penningtons Manches LLP.

The report assesses how likely it is that companies will achieve the aspirational 25% target for women on boards by the end of 2015, set by Lord Davies in his 2011 report, ‘Women on Boards’. It also looks beyond 2015 and how to further improve boardroom diversity. The report covered the key aspects of proposed EU legislation which, if implemented, would go against the UK’s voluntary, business-led approach by setting quotas to address gender imbalance on boards.

Click here to visit the The Lexis®PSL Corporate blog and download the report.

This article was written by Lexis®PSL Corporate.

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