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FCA Climate Adaptation Report – Net zero survey

In H2 2021 the FCA will publish its inaugural Climate Adaptation Report. The Report will provide an overview of the FCA’s climate change strategy and examine climate change risks and opportunities across regulated sectors.

The Report will also specifically consider how regulated firms are aligning their activities with the transition to ‘net zero’ carbon emissions, including the role of alliances, tools and targets, and any challenges faced by firms. This is in line with the FCA’s latest remit letter from the Treasury, which formally brought consideration of net zero into the FCA’s remit as a financial regulator.

To support their Report, and shape their approach to respective policy and supervisory strategies regarding firms’ net zero commitments, the FCA is seeking information on the current status of progress towards net zero in the issuers sector.

The FCA notes the efforts underway across the industry to align firms’ activities with the transition to net zero. To assist their analysis of the current status of such efforts, the FCA has developed a survey. Importantly, the survey should not be read as a formal supervisory information request. Nor should it be read as setting any new supervisory expectations regarding firms’ net-zero-aligned activities. We encourage firms to complete the survey and return responses to the QCA by 2nd July 2021. Responses will then be passed to the FCA.

Survey responses will not be published, and individual firms will not be named in the final Report. Any supporting information included in the Report will be anonymised and aggregated.

To complete the survey, please click here.

Once you have completed the survey, please email it to

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