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You are invited to take part in our Small and Mid-Cap Sentiment Survey, which is open from 2 April, until 10 April 2020.

Click here to take part

It should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. This survey is run for us by YouGov and is completely anonymous and secure.

The Sentiment Survey has been ongoing since 2011 and tracks the business sentiment of the small and mid-cap quoted company sector.

In this instance, with the impact of COVID-19, it is important for us to be able to use it to gain an understanding of:

  • how companies are dealing with the current crisis,
  • what plans may be in terms of raising capital, and
  • what actions government and regulators should be taking.

The more information we can get on this, the more we will be able to persuade regulators and policymakers to support our sector.

Click here to take part

Previous results from the survey can be viewed here.


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