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With executive pay being hotly debated, the Quoted Companies Alliance's latest guide – Remuneration Committee Guide for Smaller Quoted Companies – aims to help companies develop a bespoke and appropriate remuneration policy and communicate it to their investors.

Published in late February, the guide covers objectives of the remuneration committee, factors to consider when setting pay, communicating with shareholders on pay, and remuneration committee membership, organisation and functions.

The guide is available to purchase on our website in pdf (£20 + VAT for members, £35 + VAT for non-members) or hardcopy (£25 for members, £40 for non-members). Quoted Companies Alliance members should have received one free hardcopy.

We are also holding a launch event for the guide on 19 April 2012 – Considering and Communicating Executive Pay – for company directors to debate the controversial issues surrounding pay in small roundtable discussion facilitated by the authors of the guide. To find out more and book your place, click here.

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