Mattioli Woods - Employee Wellbeing & Mental Health

Employers have a duty of care to their employees, which means that they should take all reasonable steps to ensure their health, safety, and wellbeing. We all understand how this relates to physical risks but what about employees’ mental health & wellbeing?

This short video provides some further detail.

​Workplace mental health was brought sharply in to focus by Stevenson & Farmer’s “Thriving at Work” report ¹. This examined the impact of mental health issues on UK employees.
Stevenson/Farmer produced some thought-provoking statistics about the mental health of the UK working population:

  • Around 15% of people at work have symptoms of an existing mental health condition ².
  • The annual cost of poor mental health to UK economy is between £74bn and £99bn ³.
  • The annual cost of poor mental health to employers in the UK is between £33bn and £42bn. About 50% of this figure is related to presenteeism with the rest being the result of sickness absence and the costs associated with staff turnover 4.

Poor employee mental wellbeing impacts on individuals, family, friends, and their employers.

QCA member, Mattioli Woods Plc, has developed a digital solution to address this, and is offering this to QCA members.  It provides the following level of support:

  • a whole of business solution – many workplace mental wellbeing programmes rely on volunteer “champions”. Mattioli Woods QCARE provides anonymous support to all employees
  • 24/7 availability – many solutions rely on individuals, often volunteers, to provide support to colleagues. Mattioli Woods QCARE digital support is available from any device, anywhere and at anytime
  • employee support – mental health education and awareness, self-care resources, signposting to company healthcare and external help if needed
  • managerial support – training for managers on dealing with mental health issues in the workplace
  • employee surveys – allowing the workforce to feedback anonymously to management
  • employer data – whilst maintaining employee confidentiality, it is important that employers can measure engagement with the programme, evidence employee training and understand the “mood” of their workforce

Learn more about the Mattioli Woods Employee Benefits platform here.

To arrange a no obligation demonstration and see how QCARE can help you support employee wellbeing, improve productivity and meet duty of care obligation email Edward Watling or Adrian Firth





1.“Thriving at Work”, Stevenson, Farmer; 2017
2.“Thriving at Work” – NHS Digital. Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014; 2016
3.“Thriving at Work” –
4.“Thriving at Work” –